A bold signature style. Meet Greg Natale, one of Australia’s top designers and explore the universe he imagined for the Clarke Payne project. The designer achieved a stunning effect by mixing details of modern patterns with the artistic style of the 17th century. Overwhelming images filled with precious velvet populate the living space, giving birth to that perfect royal ambience, pictured in movies. As the interior is dominated by shades of grey blended with white details, a certain cool atmosphere is preserved. The baroque details, the high ceilings with the white detailing extending on the walls, the neutral colours, the chandelier and the expressive cold beauty gives us the feeling that this is a European aristocratic residence, updated to our contemporary tastes and standards.
The living room is extremely beautiful and imposing. Probably the most important piece of décor, the chandelier dominates the already breathtaking design. The master bedroom is nothing but royal. With precious fabrics of velvet, combining majestic tones of blue, the bedroom could be reduced to a particular feature: sophisticated. Discovered by the Italians, but borrowed in the entire Europe, the baroque as an artistic style had one major purpose: exaggerate and transmit cathartic exuberance upon people. Back to our home, every single detail exhales grandeur. From fabrics, to motifs, Greg Natale is one of a kind. The edgy blending of classy and modern creates a unique line that characterises his work at Clarke Payne.
Via: The Reminiscent of Baroque in Greg Natales Residential Project
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